Lou used
this recipe on www.fatfreevegan.com, which is by Nava Atlas from her book,
Soups For All Seasons. Except the given quantities are intended to free two, so Lou increased the volume of each of the four grains - pot barley, brown rice, millet, and bulgur wheat - from two tablespoons to half a kilo. That turned out to be quite a lot and this 'soup' took on the consistency of a risotto - one you could stand you spoon in - but was non the worse for its rib-stickingness.
According to Nigel Slater, the difference between pot and pearl barley is that the former has only its outer husk removed, while the latter is more refined. Mr Slater likes to soak his pot barley over night, but it's not strictly necessary. Unsoaked, it takes at least 50 minutes to simmer until soft, but adds much in sustenance, not to mention its nutty flavour, and is 'great in cold weather', Slater says.

Indeed, it was a cold day and this semi-solid soup went down very well with one person awarding it six stars and an effusive - though barely legible - recommendation that includes the words 'Body & Soul'! Saucy Siren wrote, 'too good not to come back for more' while Cathy put, 'very delicious soup. My first visit. I'll be back'. On the subject of grains, Jan wrote: 'now wait a millet, isn't that bird food? Well, it was tweetific, a twoo delight and another great tummy warmer'.
Because of the Open Yards weekend, when the Pullens Centre will house an art exhibition of work by residents of our flats, as well as the brilliant kids from the local primary school, the Soup Kitchen will not be in operation on Thursday and Friday this week. Carlo is cooking on Wednesday and our usual daily service will resume next week on Monday.
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